Leased Line

International Private Leased Circuit (IPLC)

International Private Leased Circuit of SEJONG Telecom is a solution to customers’ diverse communication needs. It is a service using submarine cables, which allow customers to use the network exclusively. It is also a high quality point-to-point communication method that can intercommunicate various applications such as data, voice call and video conference.

Land Landing Overview of Submarine Cable

Status of Submarine Cable Connection


  • 01
    Reseller of Circuit
  • 02
    Companies with high traffic between headquarter and branches such as overseas branch and overseas factory
  • 03
    Common corporations, financial companies with headquarter and branches, multination corporations
  • 04
    International specific telecommunication operators
  • 05
    ISP Business Operator (SO, RO etc)

Service of International Private Leased Circuit

Type of IPLC

  • Bilateral Service
    It is a service in which SEJONG Telecom and overseas carriers provide transmission line segment together. SEJONG Telecom provides this service in the domestic business site, and overseas carriers provide it in overseas business sites.
  • Whole Circuit Service
    This is a service to provide a telecommunication circuit from one end to the other end of the world using SEJONG Telecom’s submarine cable. Customers can only contact SEJONG Telecom to receive all compositions in a lump.
  • NSP Service
    NSP service is a service that directly interlocks the worldwide internet network and overseas internet backbone by using SEJONG’s POP and submarine cable that is established overseas.

Service Characteristics

  • Network Control and Technical Support
    • 24 hours operating failure monitoring and technical support using domestic backbone network and international network management system
    • Quick fault handling is available by operating 24 hours service and waiting staffs in case of a fault occurrence
    • Operation of 24 hours × 365 days nationwide network and maintenance of fault recovery system
  • Reliability with Dualization Network
    • Composed of backbone Ring Network, it provides an uninterrupted service by an automatic switchover in case of a circuit fault
    • Domestic and overseas transmission devices are configured and operated with dualization using a backup system
  • SLA (Service Level Agreement)
    • Will guide the quality guarantee level of an international private leased circuit service guaranteed by SEJONG Telecom.
    • Network Availability Goals

      Core Network Availability : 99.995 %

      End-To-End Availability : 99.95 %

    • Basic SLA

      End-To-End Network Availability : 99.86 %

  • Compensation for Damages (Circuit Fee Refund / Reduction)
    • When a user notifies SEJONG Telecom about the service failure that is NOT caused by the user, and/or when SEJONG Telecom notifies such a failure, the company will reimburse at least three times of the rate of the un-used period after the consultation with the contractor. However, the reimbursement is not provided in cases which the service failure is caused by natural disaster, force majeure or by the user (including the terminal devices of the other party)

      * Compensation for damages will be applied according to the terms and conditions unless it is based on the separate contracts. Please refer to the terms and conditions of the company for details.

Inquiry for Use